Design series of waste heat convection boilers

Convection boilers are water-tube boilers with a towerlike layout, designed for high flow rates of utilisation gases. This design series of waste heat convection boilers has been designed as an optimum solution to process plants with gas temperatures up to 700 °С.

Structurally speaking, these waste heat boilers are a load-bearing structure bricked on the inside, comprising a gas channel with cladding plates welded along its perimeter.

An example of application of convection boilers is process plants for catalytic cracking, in which the utilisation gas contaminated by the catalyst passes through the boiler, emitting the heat necessary for producing the steam.

The boilers are supplied in transport units, parts, components. The unit design reduces the transport and installation costs, and increases maintenance and repair ability. Waste boilers are equipped with platforms and ladders for maintenance and repairs, necessary closing and control fittings, safety valves, accessories, inspection and metering instruments.


1. Cylinder

2. Superheater

3. Primary section

4. Evaporation section