CBF Technology

The combination of the advantages of CBF and the principle of fuel combustion on a mobile grate (as on a layered one), to which boiler house workers have been accustomed, has an amazing effect, in terms of both boiler operating reliability and fast mastering of the new technology.

CBF boilers combust virtually any solid fuel: black coal and lignite, their screenings, wooden waste.

Ranges of different types of low-potential solid fuels:

Calorific heat, kcal/kg Qрн 7082÷1556
Ash content, % Ap 10,3÷36,7
Moisture content, % Wp 8,0÷55,2
Volatile compound content, % Vr 11,6÷70,0
Fraction (grain size), mm 0-13÷0-50



Where low-grade coal is combusted, the CBF technology provides a gross efficiency that is virtually unattainable in serial boilers employing layered combustion; increased efficiency is guaranteed additionally where higher-grade fuel is used.


Chart: Gross efficiency of a CBF boiler set with a capacity of 35 t/hr of steam, P=2.4 MPa, t=350°C, obtained based on trial operation testing results.

The issue of efficient combustion of problematic fuels has long and successfully been resolved by applying modern fluidised and circulating bed technologies. However, implementing these technologies in the conventional form (low-temperature fluidised bed) in existing boilers comes up against numerous technical and economic difficulties (having to install burners with a start cycle, complex automation, massive fans, “hot” cyclone air cleaners, etc.), and they are not applied in industrial power generation.